// shopping javacript function reloadCartBlocks(responseText, cartParams) { var equalPos = responseText.indexOf("="); var msgType = ""; var msgText = ""; if(equalPos == -1) { msgType = "errors"; msgText = responseText; } else { msgType = responseText.substring(0, equalPos); msgText = responseText.substring(equalPos + 1, responseText.length); } var messageId = cartParams[0]; var messageObj = document.getElementById(messageId); var msgLeft = findPosX(messageObj); var msgTop = findPosY(messageObj, true); showPopupBlock(msgType, msgText, msgLeft, msgTop); // set all quantity controls to zero if multi-add active var multiAdd = ""; var formName = cartParams[1]; var itemsForm = document.forms[formName]; if (itemsForm.multi_add) { multiAdd = itemsForm.multi_add.value; } if (multiAdd == 1 && itemsForm.items_indexes && itemsForm.items_indexes.value != "") { var indexes = itemsForm.items_indexes.value.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { var idx = indexes[i]; var controlName = "quantity" + idx; if (itemsForm.elements[controlName]) { var elementType = itemsForm.elements[controlName].type; if (elementType == "text") { itemsForm.elements[controlName].value = 0; } else if (elementType == "select-one") { itemsForm.elements[controlName].selectedIndex = 0; } } } } if (msgType == "success") { var checkNames = new Array("small_cart", "shopping_cart"); for (var cn = 0; cn < checkNames.length; cn++) { var checkName = checkNames[cn]; // refresh block in the active window var foundBlocks = document.getElementsByName(checkName); for (var b = 0; b < foundBlocks.length; b++) { var formObj = foundBlocks[b]; var pbId = formObj.pb_id.value; initProgress("pb_"+pbId); reloadBlock(pbId); } // check if we add products from some popup window to refresh cart blocks in parent window if (window.opener) { var foundBlocks = window.opener.document.getElementsByName(checkName); for (var b = 0; b < foundBlocks.length; b++) { var formObj = foundBlocks[b]; var pbId = formObj.pb_id.value; window.opener.initProgress("pb_"+pbId); window.opener.reloadBlock(pbId); } } } } } function confirmBuy(formName, selectedIndex, buttonType, messageId) { var itemsForm = document.forms[formName]; itemsForm.item_index.value = selectedIndex; // assign index of product to be added to cart var startIndex = 1; if (itemsForm.start_index) { startIndex = itemsForm.start_index.value; } var idx = selectedIndex; // check global redirect option var redirectToCart = ""; if (itemsForm.redirect_to_cart) { redirectToCart = itemsForm.redirect_to_cart.value; } if (buttonType == "wishlist") { itemsForm.cart.value = "WISHLIST"; } else if (buttonType == "shipping") { itemsForm.cart.value = "SHIPPING"; } else { itemsForm.cart.value = "ADD"; } if (itemsForm.originalAction) { itemsForm.target = ""; itemsForm.action = itemsForm.originalAction; } // check initial index if it wasn't selected var indexes = new Array(); if (!itemsForm.elements["item_id"+idx]) { if (itemsForm.items_indexes && itemsForm.items_indexes.value != "") { indexes = itemsForm.items_indexes.value.split(","); idx = indexes[0]; } else { idx = startIndex; } } // check products one by one var selectedItems = 0; var itemNo = 0; do { itemNo++; // check product quantity var quantity = 1; if (itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx]) { if (itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].selectedIndex) { quantity = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].options[itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].selectedIndex].value); } else { quantity = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].value); } if (isNaN(quantity)) { quantity = 1; } } if (quantity > 0) { selectedItems++; var params = getProductParams(itemsForm, idx); var basePrice = params["base_price"]; // check what options were selected and what options is active var returnedValues = checkOptions(itemsForm, idx); var selectedOptions = returnedValues[0]; var activeOptions = returnedValues[1]; // check options for requirements var prMessage = requiredProperty; var productName = params["item_name"]; for (prID in activeOptions) { if (itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID]) { // check if it is property control var prRequired = itemsForm.elements["property_required"+idx+"_" + prID].value; var prControl = itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID].value; if (prRequired == 1 && activeOptions[prID] && !selectedOptions[prID]) { var propertyName = itemsForm.elements["property_name"+idx+"_" + prID].value; prMessage = prMessage.replace("\{property_name\}", propertyName); prMessage = prMessage.replace("\{product_name\}", productName); alert(prMessage); if (prControl != "RADIOBUTTON" && prControl != "CHECKBOXLIST" && prControl != "TEXTBOXLIST" && prControl != "LABEL") { itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].focus(); } return false; } } } // calculate price for selected options var propertiesPrice = calculateOptionsPrice(itemsForm, idx, selectedOptions); var isPriceEdit = params["pe"]; var productPrice = 0; if (isPriceEdit) { var userPrice = parseFloat(itemsForm.elements["price"+idx].value); productPrice = userPrice + params["comp_price"] + propertiesPrice; } else { productPrice = basePrice + params["comp_price"] + propertiesPrice; } if (params["zero_product_action"] == 2 && productPrice == 0) { alert(params["zero_product_warn"]); return false; } } // check next index idx = ""; if (selectedIndex == "") { var nextIndex = ""; if (indexes.length > 0) { nextIndex = (indexes.length > itemNo) ? indexes[itemNo] : ""; } else { nextIndex = startIndex + itemNo; } if (nextIndex != "" && itemsForm.elements["item_id"+nextIndex]) { idx = nextIndex; } } // end index check } while (idx != ""); // submit form if (buttonType == "wishlist") { var savedTypesHidden = "0"; if (document.saved_types.saved_types_hidden) { // check if we don't need to show popup win savedTypesHidden = document.saved_types.saved_types_hidden.value; } if (savedTypesHidden == "1") { // assign default type_id from hidden popup itemsForm.saved_type_id.value = document.saved_types.type_id.value; } // check if type_id was selected var savedTypeId = itemsForm.saved_type_id.value; if (savedTypeId == "") { popupSavedTypes(itemForm); } else { itemsForm.submit(); } return false; } else if (buttonType == "shipping") { popupShippingFrame(); itemsForm.originalAction = itemsForm.action; // save original action value itemsForm.action = "shipping_calculator.php"; itemsForm.target = "shipping_frame"; itemsForm.submit(); return false; } else { if (selectedItems > 0) { // check and submit form to add product to the cart var submitForm = true; if (confirmAdd == "1") { submitForm = confirm(addProduct); } if (submitForm) { if (redirectToCart == 3) { // AJAX option selected submitForm = false; // don't need to submit form itemsForm.rnd.value = ""; // don't need random values for AJAX var cartParams = new Array(messageId, formName); postAjax("cart_add.php", reloadCartBlocks, cartParams, itemsForm); } else { itemsForm.submit(); } } } return false; } } function confirmSubscription(itemForm) { if (confirmAdd == "1") { return confirm(addSubscription); } else { return true; } } function addToWishlist() { var formId = document.saved_types.form_id.value; if (formId != "") { var formName = "form_" + formId var itemForm = document.forms[formName]; var typesTotal = parseInt(document.saved_types.saved_types_total.value); var typeId = ""; if (typesTotal == 1) { var typeId = document.saved_types.type_id.value; } else if (typesTotal > 1) { var typeId = document.saved_types.type_id.options[document.saved_types.type_id.selectedIndex].value; } if (typeId != "") { itemForm.saved_type_id.value = typeId; hideSavedTypes(); confirmBuy(itemForm, "wishlist"); } else { alert("Please select a type"); } } else { alert("Product wasn't selected"); } } function popupShippingWin(shippingUrl) { var shippingWin = window.open (shippingUrl, 'shippingWin', 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=400'); shippingWin.focus(); } function popupShippingFrame(itemForm) { var shippingOpacity = document.getElementById("shipping_opacity"); shippingOpacity.style.opacity = "0.6"; shippingOpacity.style.mozOpacity = "0.6"; shippingOpacity.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=60)"; var shippingShadow = document.getElementById("shipping_shadow"); var pageSize = getPageSize(); var pageScroll = getScroll(); var arrayPageSizeWithScroll = getPageSizeWithScroll(); var winLeft = 5; var winTop = 5; if (pageSize[0] > 620) { winLeft = pageScroll[0] + (pageSize[0]-600) / 2; } if (pageSize[1] > 420) { winTop = pageScroll[1] + (pageSize[1]-400) / 2; } shippingShadow.style.left = winLeft + "px"; shippingShadow.style.top = winTop + "px"; shippingOpacity.style.width = arrayPageSizeWithScroll[0] + "px"; shippingOpacity.style.height = arrayPageSizeWithScroll[1] + "px"; shippingShadow.style.display = "block"; shippingOpacity.style.display = "block"; hideSelectBoxes("shipping_shadow", new Array("shipping_frame")); } function hideShippingFrame() { var shippingOpacity = document.getElementById("shipping_opacity"); var shippingShadow = document.getElementById("shipping_shadow"); var shippingPage = document.getElementById("shipping_page"); shippingOpacity.style.display = "none"; shippingShadow.style.display = "none"; shippingPage.src = ""; showSelectBoxes("shipping_shadow"); } function popupSavedTypes(formName, idx) { var params = getProductParams(itemsForm, formId); var formId = params["form_id"]; document.saved_types.form_id.value = formId; var savedTypesShadow = document.getElementById("saved_types_shadow"); savedTypesShadow.style.opacity = "0.6"; savedTypesShadow.style.mozOpacity = "0.6"; savedTypesShadow.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=60)"; var savedTypesWin = document.getElementById("saved_types_win"); if (formId != "") { var wishlistButton = document.getElementById("wishlist_" + formId); savedTypesWin.style.left = (findPosX(wishlistButton, 0) - 150) + "px"; savedTypesWin.style.top = (findPosY(wishlistButton, 0) - 100) + "px"; var arrayPageSizeWithScroll = getPageSizeWithScroll(); savedTypesShadow.style.height = arrayPageSizeWithScroll[1] + "px"; } savedTypesWin.style.display = "block"; savedTypesShadow.style.display = "block"; hideSelectBoxes("saved_types_win", new Array("type_id")); } function hideSavedTypes() { document.saved_types.form_id.value = ""; var savedTypesShadow = document.getElementById("saved_types_shadow"); var savedTypesWin = document.getElementById("saved_types_win"); savedTypesWin.style.display = "none"; savedTypesShadow.style.display = "none"; showSelectBoxes("saved_types_win"); } function changeSavedType() { var prevTypeId = document.saved_types.prev_type_id.value; var typeIdControl = document.saved_types.type_id; var selectedTypeId = typeIdControl.options[typeIdControl.selectedIndex].value; document.saved_types.prev_type_id.value = selectedTypeId; if (prevTypeId != selectedTypeId) { if (prevTypeId != "") { var typeDescBlock = document.getElementById("type_desc_" + prevTypeId); typeDescBlock.style.display = "none"; } if (selectedTypeId != "") { var typeDescBlock = document.getElementById("type_desc_" + selectedTypeId); typeDescBlock.style.display = "block"; } } } function changeProperty(formName, idx) { var itemsForm = document.forms[formName]; var selectedOptions = new Array(); var priceControl = ""; var htmlControl = false; var itemId = itemsForm.elements["item_id"+idx].value;; var taxPercent = 0; var params = getProductParams(itemsForm, idx); var taxNote = params["tax_note"]; var pointsBase = params["base_points_price"]; var prIDs = params["properties_ids"]; var formId = params["form_id"]; var stockLevel = getParamValue(params, "sl", "int"); var useStockLevel = getParamValue(params, "use_sl", "int") var inStock = getParamValue(params, "in_sm", "txt"); var outStock = getParamValue(params, "out_sm", "txt") if (itemsForm.elements["tax_percent"+idx] && itemsForm.elements["tax_percent"+idx].value != "") { taxPercent = parseFloat(itemsForm.elements["tax_percent"+idx].value); if (isNaN(taxPercent)) { taxPercent = 0; } } if (itemId != "" && document.getElementById) { priceControl = document.getElementById("sales_price" + idx); if (!priceControl) { priceControl = document.getElementById("price" + idx); } } var pointsPriceControl = document.getElementById("points_price" + idx); // check what options were selected and what options is active var returnedValues = checkOptions(itemsForm, idx); var selectedOptions = returnedValues[0]; var activeOptions = returnedValues[1]; // calculate price for selected options var totalAdditionalPrice = calculateOptionsPrice(itemsForm, idx, selectedOptions); // check stock levels for options var optionUseStock = 0; var optionStockLevel = 0; for (prID in selectedOptions) { if (itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID]) { // check if it is property control var prControl = itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID].value; if (prControl == "LISTBOX" || prControl == "RADIOBUTTON") { optionUseStock = getOptionValue(itemsForm, "use_sl_" + selectedOptions[prID]); if (optionUseStock == 1) { optionStockLevel = getOptionValue(itemsForm, "sl_" + selectedOptions[prID]); if (useStockLevel == 0 || stockLevel > optionStockLevel) { stockLevel = optionStockLevel; useStockLevel = 1; } } } else if (prControl == "CHECKBOXLIST" || prControl == "TEXTBOXLIST") { var values = selectedOptions[prID]; for (valueId in values) { optionUseStock = getOptionValue(itemsForm, "use_sl_" + valueId); if (optionUseStock == 1) { optionStockLevel = getOptionValue(itemsForm, "sl_" + valueId); if (useStockLevel == 0 || stockLevel > optionStockLevel) { stockLevel = optionStockLevel; useStockLevel = 1; } } } } } } // end options stock levels // change stock level and stock message var obj = document.getElementById("sl" + idx); var blockObj = document.getElementById("block_sl" + idx); if (obj) { if (useStockLevel == 1) { obj.innerHTML = stockLevel; if (blockObj) { blockObj.style.display = "block"; } } else { obj.innerHTML = ""; if (blockObj) { blockObj.style.display = "none"; } } } obj = document.getElementById("sm" + idx); blockObj = document.getElementById("block_sm" + idx); if (obj) { var stockMessage = ""; if (useStockLevel == 0 || stockLevel > 0) { stockMessage = inStock; } else { stockMessage = outStock; } obj.innerHTML = stockMessage; if (blockObj) { if (stockMessage == "") { blockObj.style.display = "none"; } else { blockObj.style.display = "block"; } } } // hide or show property blocks for (prID in activeOptions) { if (itemsForm.elements["property_control" + idx + "_" + prID]) { // check if it is property control var propertyBlock = document.getElementById("pr" + idx + "_" + prID); if (activeOptions[prID]) { propertyBlock.style.display = "block"; } else { propertyBlock.style.display = "none"; } } } // show hide image for subcomponents for (prID in activeOptions) { if (itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID]) { // check if it is property control var prControl = itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID].value; if (activeOptions[prID] && (prControl == "LISTBOX" || prControl == "RADIOBUTTON")) { var prValue = selectedOptions[prID]; var objId = formId + "_" + prID; // id for current product option if (prValue != "") { var image_button = document.getElementById("option_image_action"+idx+"_" + prID); if (!image_button) { var image_button = document.createElement('a'); image_button.id = "option_image_action"+idx+"_" + prID; image_button.href = "#"; image_button.onclick = popupImage; image_button.style.display = "none"; image_button.innerHTML = "View"; var propertyObj = document.getElementById("pr"+idx+"_" + prID); if (propertyObj) { propertyObj.appendChild(image_button); } } if (itemsForm.elements["option_image"+idx+"_" + prValue]) { var image = itemsForm.elements["option_image"+idx+"_" + prValue].value; if (itemsForm.elements["option_image_action"+idx+"_" + prValue]) { image_button.onclick = (itemsForm.elements["option_image_action"+idx+"_" + prValue].onclick); } image_button.style.display = "inline"; image_button.href = image; image_button.title = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].options[itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].selectedIndex].text; } else { image_button.style.display = "none"; } } else { var image_button = document.getElementById("option_image_action"+idx+"_" + prID); if (image_button) { image_button.style.display = "none"; } } } } } var basePrice = params["base_price"]; var baseTax = 0; // check product quantity var quantity = 1; if (itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx]) { if (itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].selectedIndex) { quantity = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].options[itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].selectedIndex].value); } else { quantity = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["quantity"+idx].value); } if (isNaN(quantity)) { quantity = 1; } } var isQuantityPrice = false; if(params["quantity_price"]) { var prices = params["quantity_price"]; if (prices != "") { prices = prices.split(","); for (var p = 0; p < prices.length; p = p + 5) { var minQuantity = parseInt(prices[p]); var maxQuantity = parseInt(prices[p + 1]); if (quantity >= minQuantity && quantity <= maxQuantity) { isQuantityPrice = true; basePrice = parseFloat(prices[p + 2]); baseTax = parseFloat(prices[p + 3]); var propertiesDiscount = parseFloat(prices[p + 4]); if (propertiesDiscount > 0) { totalAdditionalPrice -= (Math.round(totalAdditionalPrice * propertiesDiscount) / 100); } break; } } } } var price = basePrice + totalAdditionalPrice; var taxAmount = 0; var productPrice = 0; var taxPrice = 0; var priceExcl = 0; if (params["tax_prices_type"] == 1) { // price already includes tax if (isQuantityPrice) { taxPrice = Math.round((price) * 100) / 100; taxAmount = baseTax; } else { taxPrice = Math.round((price + params["comp_price"]) * 100) / 100; taxAmount = (Math.round(price * 100) - Math.round(price * 10000 / ( 100 + taxPercent))) / 100; } if (isQuantityPrice) { productPrice = Math.round((price - taxAmount) * 100) / 100; } else { productPrice = Math.round((price - taxAmount + params["comp_price"] - params["comp_tax"]) * 100) / 100; } priceExcl = productPrice; } else { if (isQuantityPrice) { taxAmount = baseTax; productPrice = Math.round((price) * 100) / 100; taxPrice = Math.round((productPrice + taxAmount) * 100) / 100; } else { taxAmount = Math.round(price * taxPercent) / 100; productPrice = Math.round((price + params["comp_price"]) * 100) / 100; taxPrice = Math.round((productPrice + taxAmount + params["comp_tax"]) * 100) / 100; } priceExcl = productPrice; } if (params["show_prices"] == 2) { productPrice = taxPrice; taxPrice = priceExcl; } else if (params["show_prices"] == 3) { productPrice = taxPrice; } if (priceControl) { if (params["pe"] == "1") { // if user can edit price check and update textbox value if (itemsForm.elements["price"+idx]) { itemsForm.elements["price"+idx].value = productPrice * params["crate"]; } } else { if (params["zero_price_type"] != 0 && productPrice == 0) { if (params["zero_price_type"] == 1) { params["zero_price_message"] = ""; } priceControl.innerHTML = params["zero_price_message"]; } else { priceControl.innerHTML = params["cleft"] + formatNumber(productPrice * params["crate"], params["cdecimals"], params["cpoint"], params["cseparator"]) + params["cright"]; } priceBlockControl = document.getElementById("price_block"+idx); if (priceBlockControl) { if (params["zero_price_type"] == 1 && productPrice == 0) { priceBlockControl.style.display = "none"; } else { priceBlockControl.style.display = "block"; } } } } taxPriceControl = document.getElementById("tax_price" + idx); if (taxPriceControl) { if (params["zero_price_type"] != 0 && taxPrice == 0) { taxPriceControl.innerHTML = ""; } else { if (taxNote != "") { taxNote = " " + taxNote; } taxPriceControl.innerHTML = "(" + params["cleft"] + formatNumber(taxPrice * params["crate"], params["cdecimals"], params["cpoint"], params["cseparator"]) + params["cright"] + taxNote + ")"; } } if (pointsPriceControl) { var pointsPrice = pointsBase + (totalAdditionalPrice * params["points_rate"]); pointsPriceControl.innerHTML = formatNumber(pointsPrice, params["points_decimals"]); } } function checkOptions(itemsForm, idx) { var params = getProductParams(itemsForm, idx); var prIDs = params["properties_ids"]; var selectedOptions = new Array(); var activeOptions = new Array(); var returnValues = new Array(); // first check of all selected options if properties available for the product block if (prIDs && prIDs != "") { var properties = prIDs.split(","); for ( var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var prID = properties[i]; var prValue = ""; if (itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID]){ //P var prControl = itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID].value; } if (prControl == "LISTBOX") { prValue = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].options[itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].selectedIndex].value; if (prValue != "") { selectedOptions[prID] = prValue; } } else if (prControl == "RADIOBUTTON") { var radioControl = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID]; if (radioControl.length) { for ( var ri = 0; ri < radioControl.length; ri++) { if (radioControl[ri].checked) { prValue = radioControl[ri].value; break; } } } else { if (radioControl.checked) { prValue = radioControl.value; } } if (prValue != "") { selectedOptions[prID] = prValue; } } else if (prControl == "CHECKBOXLIST") { if (itemsForm.elements["property_total"+idx+"_" + prID]) { var totalOptions = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["property_total"+idx+"_" + prID].value); for ( var ci = 1; ci <= totalOptions; ci++) { if (itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID + "_" + ci].checked) { var checkedValue = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID + "_" + ci].value; if (!selectedOptions[prID]) { selectedOptions[prID] = new Array(); } selectedOptions[prID][checkedValue] = 1; } } } } else if (prControl == "TEXTBOXLIST") { if (itemsForm.elements["property_total"+idx+"_" + prID]) { var totalOptions = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["property_total"+idx+"_" + prID].value); for ( var ci = 1; ci <= totalOptions; ci++) { if (itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID + "_" + ci].value != "") { var valueId = itemsForm.elements["property_value"+idx+"_" + prID + "_" + ci].value; var valueText = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID + "_" + ci].value; if (!selectedOptions[prID]) { selectedOptions[prID] = new Array(); } selectedOptions[prID][valueId] = valueText; } } } } else if (prControl == "LABEL"){ // get from hidden control if (itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID]) { prValue = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].value; if (prValue != "") { selectedOptions[prID] = prValue; } } } else { prValue = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].value; if (prValue != "") { selectedOptions[prID] = prValue; } } } } // second check for active options and correct selected options if necessary if (prIDs && prIDs != "") { do { // save how many selected options we have at start var startSelectedNumber = selectedOptions.length; // check availability of parent options var properties = prIDs.split(","); for ( var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var prID = properties[i]; if (itemsForm.elements["property_parent_id"+idx+"_" + prID]){ //P var parentPropertyId = itemsForm.elements["property_parent_id"+idx+"_" + prID].value; } if (itemsForm.elements["property_parent_value_id"+idx+"_" + prID]){ //P var parentValueId = itemsForm.elements["property_parent_value_id"+idx+"_" + prID].value; } var showProperty = true; if (parentPropertyId != "") { if (!selectedOptions[parentPropertyId]) { showProperty = false; } else if (parentValueId != "") { if (!selectedOptions[parentPropertyId][parentValueId] && selectedOptions[parentPropertyId] != parentValueId) { showProperty = false; } } } activeOptions[prID] = showProperty; if (!showProperty) { // delete from selected if (selectedOptions[prID]) { delete selectedOptions[prID]; } // clear all options var prControl = itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID].value; if (prControl == "LISTBOX") { var selectedIndex = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].selectedIndex; if (selectedIndex > 0) { itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].options[0].selected = true; } } else if (prControl == "RADIOBUTTON") { var radioControl = itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID]; if (radioControl.length) { for ( var ri = 0; ri < radioControl.length; ri++) { radioControl[ri].checked = false; } } else { radioControl.checked = false; } } else if (prControl == "CHECKBOXLIST") { var totalOptions = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["property_total"+idx+"_" + prID].value); for ( var ci = 1; ci <= totalOptions; ci++) { itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID + "_" + ci].checked = false; } } else if (prControl == "TEXTBOXLIST") { var totalOptions = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["property_total"+idx+"_" + prID].value); for ( var ci = 1; ci <= totalOptions; ci++) { // don't erase user or default text in textbox controls //itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID + "_" + ci].value = ""; } } else if (prControl == "TEXTBOX" || prControl == "TEXTAREA") { // don't erase user or default text in textbox controls //itemsForm.elements["property"+idx+"_" + prID].value = ""; } } } } while (startSelectedNumber != selectedOptions.length); } returnValues[0] = selectedOptions; returnValues[1] = activeOptions; return returnValues; } function calculateOptionsPrice(itemsForm, idx, selectedOptions) { var params = getProductParams(itemsForm, idx); var propertiesPrice = 0; var prPrice = 0; for (prID in selectedOptions) { if (itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID]) { // check if it is property control var usedControls = 0; var controlText = ""; var freeLetters = 0; var priceType = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["property_price_type"+idx+"_" + prID].value); var priceAmount = parseFloat(itemsForm.elements["property_price"+idx+"_" + prID].value); if (isNaN(priceAmount)) { priceAmount = 0; } var freePriceType = parseInt(itemsForm.elements["property_free_price_type"+idx+"_" + prID].value); var freePriceAmount = itemsForm.elements["property_free_price_amount"+idx+"_" + prID].value; var freeControls = 0; if (freePriceType == 1) { freePriceAmount = parseFloat(freePriceAmount); } else { freePriceAmount = parseInt(freePriceAmount); } if (isNaN(freePriceAmount)) { freePriceAmount = 0; } if (freePriceType == 2) { freeControls = freePriceAmount; } else if (freePriceType == 3 || freePriceType == 4) { freeLetters = freePriceAmount; } var prControl = itemsForm.elements["property_control"+idx+"_" + prID].value; if (prControl == "LISTBOX" || prControl == "RADIOBUTTON") { usedControls++; prPrice = getOptionPrice(itemsForm, selectedOptions[prID]); propertiesPrice += prPrice; } else if (prControl == "CHECKBOXLIST" || prControl == "TEXTBOXLIST") { var values = selectedOptions[prID]; for (valueId in values) { usedControls++; prPrice = getOptionPrice(itemsForm, valueId); propertiesPrice += prPrice; if (prControl == "TEXTBOXLIST") { controlText += selectedOptions[prID][valueId]; if (freeControls >= usedControls) { if (priceType == 3) { freeLetters = controlText.length; } else if (priceType == 4) { freeLetters = controlText.replace(/[\n\r\t\s]/g, "").length; } } } } } else { usedControls++; if (prControl == "TEXTAREA" || prControl == "TEXTBOX") { controlText = selectedOptions[prID]; if (freeControls >= usedControls) { if (priceType == 3) { freeLetters = controlText.length; } else if (priceType == 4) { freeLetters = controlText.replace(/[\n\r\t\s]/g, "").length; } } } } if (priceType == 1) { propertiesPrice += priceAmount; } else if (priceType == 2) { if (usedControls > freeControls) { propertiesPrice += (priceAmount * (usedControls - freeControls)); } } else if (priceType == 3) { var textLength = controlText.length; if (textLength > freeLetters) { propertiesPrice += (priceAmount * (textLength - freeLetters)); } } else if (priceType == 4) { var textLength = controlText.replace(/[\n\r\t\s]/g, "").length; if (textLength > freeLetters) { propertiesPrice += (priceAmount * (textLength - freeLetters)); } } if (freePriceType == 1) { propertiesPrice -= freePriceAmount; } } } return propertiesPrice; } function changeQuantity(formName, itemIndex) { changeProperty(formName, itemIndex); 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if(isNaN(optionPrice)) { optionPrice = 0; } } } return optionPrice; } function getOptionValue(itemForm, valueName) { var optionPrice = 0; if (valueName != "") { if(itemForm.elements[valueName]) { optionPrice = parseInt(itemForm.elements[valueName].value); if(isNaN(optionPrice)) { optionPrice = 0; } } } return optionPrice; } function formatNumber(numberValue, decimals, decimalPoint, thousandsSeparator) { if (decimals == undefined) { decimals = 0; } if (thousandsSeparator == undefined) { thousandsSeparator = ","; } var numberParts = ""; var roundValue = 1; for (var d = 0; d < decimals; d++) { roundValue *= 10; } numberValue = Math.round(numberValue * roundValue) / roundValue; var numberSign = ""; if (numberValue < 0) { numberSign = "-"; numberValue = Math.abs(numberValue); } var numberText = new String(numberValue); var numberParts = numberText.split("."); var beforeDecimal = numberParts[0]; var afterDecimal = ""; numberText = ""; if (numberParts.length == 2) { afterDecimal = numberParts[1]; 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var paramsList = itemsForm.elements["product_params"+idx].value; var paramsPairs = paramsList.split("#"); for (var p = 0; p < paramsPairs.length; p++) { var paramPair = paramsPairs[p]; var equalPos = paramPair.indexOf("="); if(equalPos == -1) { params[paramPair] = ""; } else { var paramName = paramPair.substring(0, equalPos); var paramValue = paramPair.substring(equalPos + 1, paramPair.length); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%0D/g, "\r"); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%0A/g, "\n"); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%27/g, "'"); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%22/g, "\""); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%26/g, "&"); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%2B/g, "+"); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%25/g, "%"); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%3D/g, "="); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%7C/g, "|"); paramValue = paramValue.replace(/%23/g, "#"); params[paramName] = paramValue; } } // check params values var checkParams = new Array(); checkParams["base_price"] = 0; checkParams["crate"] = 1; 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